

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26







Hiking Tips From the Woman Who Hiked the AT Faster Than Anyone

National Geographic

Here’s how to be smart, feel safe, and get the most out of your hike.

1. Test drive your backpack and shoes.

The two pieces of gear that can make you the most uncomfortable are your pack and your shoes because they are the two items you feel all day long. Don’t wait until your first extended backpacking trip to try them out. When you purchase a new pair of shoes, ask the store about the return policy. Tell them that you plan to take the gear on a test drive (i.e., a local day hike) to make sure they work for you.

2. Let your cell phone help you, not harm you.

Your cell phone is an amazing piece of backpacking gear. Nowadays, most smartphones include a flashlight, a compass app, GPS files, and more. That said, phones often do not have cell service in the backcountry, they can break, and they can run out of battery life (even when they are turned off). Use your phone as a back-up rather than as a primary tool on the trail. If you lose your compass or if your headlamp runs out of juice, use your phone. But otherwise, keep it turned off. And, if you do plan to use your cell phone for purposes other than an emergency, consider carrying an external battery charger with you.

3. Always pack extra food.

Carrying extra food is NEVER a bad idea. If the day is pleasant, carrying extra food may allow you to spontaneously extend your trip. If the weather is extra nasty, extra food may keep you warm and properly fueled. If you get lost, extra food will reduce your urge to panic and can allow you to get back on track without feeling famished. And, even if you don’t enjoy the extra food, you may be able to provide a little trail magic to another backpacker or thru-hiker.

4. Learn from others mistakes so that you won’t make so many.

With a little research, you can improve your outdoor skills and knowledge before you ever hit the trails. Nowadays, beginning hikers can take advantage of countless hiking and backpacking resources and the best part is that most of this wisdom is available for free. I recommend starting with the National Geographic Adventure website, checking out hiking books at your library, or reaching out to a local trail club.

5. Remember, mountains make their own weather.

Never base your gear list on the conditions outside your front door. Mountains make their own weather. Often hypothermia is a bigger threat in the summer than in the winter because hikers hit the trail unprepared for inclement weather. Always take some extra layers with you. You never know when that hot, humid summer day will transition into a lightning storm with golf-ball-size hail.

6. Get in shape before you go.

Getting in shape before you hit the trail can not only make the experience more enjoyable, but it can also reduce the risk of injury. Training is easy. Anything aerobic can help you get ready. So can just walking around your neighborhood (especially if you include some inclines or stairs). Also, anaerobic activities and yoga can help with your strength and balance.

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Hiking Tips From the Woman Who Hiked the AT Faster Than Anyone

National Geographic

Here's how to be smart, feel safe, and get the most out of your hike.

1. Test drive your backpack and shoes.


The two pieces of gear that can make you the most uncomfortable are your pack and your shoes because they are the two items you feel all day long. Don't wait until your first extended backpacking trip to try them out. When you purchase a new pair of shoes, ask the store about the return policy. Tell them that you plan to take the gear on a test drive (i.e., a local day hike) to make sure they work for you.


test drive

test drive字面意思应该都能猜得出来,“试驾;试验驾驶,”(an occasion when you drive a vehicle that you are thinking of buying so that you can see how well it works and if you like it),此处引申为表示“试用”,英文解释为“If you test drive a product, you try it for a short period in order to assess its qualities before deciding whether to buy it.”也可以直接作名词短语。举个🌰:

Kids can test drive the latest games on large-screen TVs with state-of-the-art sound.


📺美剧《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)第七季中的台词提到:Can I take it for a test drive? 我能试驾吗?


表示“(从事某活动的)装备,用具,衣服”,英文解释为“the equipment, clothes, etc. that you use to do a particular activity”,如:fishing/camping gear 钓鱼/野营用具,又是联邦快递!文中提到华为公司时用的telecom-gear maker 通讯/电信设备制造商。

📍gear也可以指衣服(clothes),如:all the latest gear 最新潮的衣服。


表示“延伸的;长的;延长的”,英文解释为“long or longer than usual”举个🌰:

They're going on an extended holiday to Beijing.



backpacking和gear一样,本文的高频词,此处表示“背包旅行;野外露营;长途旅行”,英文解释为“If you go backpacking, you go travelling with a backpack.”


🎬电影《七磅》(Seven Pounds)中的台词提到:You know, like, just travel. Go backpacking, have experiences. 我想去旅行 背包旅行 长长见识。

2. Let your cell phone help you, not harm you.


Your cell phone is an amazing piece of backpacking gear. Nowadays, most smartphones include a flashlight, a compass app, GPS files, and more. That said, phones often do not have cell service in the backcountry, they can break, and they can run out of battery life (even when they are turned off). Use your phone as a back-up rather than as a primary tool on the trail. If you lose your compass or if your headlamp runs out of juice, use your phone. But otherwise, keep it turned off. And, if you do plan to use your cell phone for purposes other than an emergency, consider carrying an external battery charger with you.



表示“人烟稀少的乡村;偏僻地区;边远地区”,英文解释为“a rural or mountain area that is away from cities and has few people”。


headlamp=headlight,表示“照明灯;头灯,车前灯”,英文解释为“a large light, usually one of two, at the front of a vehicle; the beam from this light”。

out of juice

此处out of juice很有意思,可不是没有果汁的意思,指的是“没电了”,等同于out of power,前面还提到out of battery life. 当人感到没劲儿,或者汽车没油了,也可以说out of juice.

📍实际上juice除了表示“果汁”,本身有“权势;影响力;活力”(power or influence)的含义。举个🌰:

He got all the juice in this neighborhood.


🎬电影《绝命海拔》(Everest)中的台词提到:Ran out of juice, waiting. Cold. 在其语境下,字幕组处理为:氧气快用完了。

3. Always pack extra food.


Carrying extra food is NEVER a bad idea. If the day is pleasant, carrying extra food may allow you to spontaneously extend your trip. If the weather is extra nasty, extra food may keep you warm and properly fueled. If you get lost, extra food will reduce your urge to panic and can allow you to get back on track without feeling famished. And, even if you don't enjoy the extra food, you may be able to provide a little trail magic to another backpacker or thru-hiker.



表示“自发地;自然地;不由自主地”,英文解释为“in a way that is natural, often sudden, and not planned or forced”。


1)表示“差的;令人厌恶的;令人不悦的”,英文解释为“very bad or unpleasant”。

2)表示“不友好的;恶意的;令人不愉快的”,英文解释为“unkind; unpleasant”,如:to make nasty remarks about sb 说某人的坏话。

3)表示“危险的;严重的”,英文解释为“dangerous or serious”,如:a nasty accident 严重事故。

4)表示“无礼的;污秽的;下流的”,英文解释为“offensive; in bad taste ”,如:have a nasty mind 思想肮脏。

📍此前,在“你是个糟糕的记者,这就是我想说的”文中,NBC记者在向特朗普提问时,就被说,“这是个恶心的问题(it’s a very nasty question)。”

get back on track

表示“重回正轨;重上轨道;恢复正常”,英文解释为“Return to the right path, or the right direction. Continuing as planned or expected, typically after a problem or distraction”

🎬电影《寻找伴郎》(I Love You, Man)中的台词提到:Can we get this engagement back on track? 能让我们的婚约重回正轨吗?

trail magic

The term “trail magic” was coined by long-distance hikers to describe an unexpected occurrence that lifts a hiker's spirits and inspires awe or gratitude. “Trail magic” may be as simple as being offered a candy bar by a passing hiker or spotting an elusive species of wildlife. 可以理解为在远足、长途跋涉旅行过程中,发生的意想不到的“小惊喜”,“小确幸”,小到同伴递来的一颗糖,一根能量999,哈哈哈哈哈都可以叫trail magic,中文翻译成什么好呢?

4. Learn from others mistakes so that you won't make so many.


With a little research, you can improve your outdoor skills and knowledge before you ever hit the trails. Nowadays, beginning hikers can take advantage of countless hiking and backpacking resources and the best part is that most of this wisdom is available for free. I recommend starting with the National Geographic Adventure website, checking out hiking books at your library, or reaching out to a local trail club.

只要稍加研究,你就可以在上路之前提高自己的户外技能和知识。如今,初学者可以利用无数的徒步和背包旅行资源,最棒的是,大部分都是免费的。我建议从国家地理探险网站(the National Geographic Adventure website)开始,在你的图书馆查阅徒步旅行书籍,或者联系当地俱乐部。

hit the trail

表示“出发;上路;离开”,英文解释为“To leave; To begin a journey”举个🌰:

We should be ready to hit the trail by 8:00.


📺动画片《森林王子》(The Jungle Book)中的台词提到:Uh, all right, let's hit the trail, kid. 好吧,我们走,孩子。

5. Remember, mountains make their own weather.


Never base your gear list on the conditions outside your front door. Mountains make their own weather. Often hypothermia is a bigger threat in the summer than in the winter because hikers hit the trail unprepared for inclement weather. Always take some extra layers with you. You never know when that hot, humid summer day will transition into a lightning storm with golf-ball-size hail.



hypothermia /ˌhaɪpəʊˈθɜːmɪə/ 表示“低体温;体温过低”,英文解释为“If someone has hypothermia, their body temperature has become dangerously low as a result of being in severe cold for a long time.”


inclement /ɪnˈklɛmənt/ 表示“恶劣的(指寒冷的、潮湿的等)”,英文解释为“not pleasant; cold, wet, etc.”

📍反义词:clement表示“温和的;温暖的”(mild and pleasant)。


hail作名词,表示“雹,冰雹”,英文解释为“small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain”。

6. Get in shape before you go.


Getting in shape before you hit the trail can not only make the experience more enjoyable, but it can also reduce the risk of injury. Training is easy. Anything aerobic can help you get ready. So can just walking around your neighborhood (especially if you include some inclines or stairs). Also, anaerobic activities and yoga can help with your strength and balance.


aerobic /ɛəˈrəʊbɪk/

aerobic表示“有氧的”,英文解释为“Aerobic activity exercises and strengthens your heart and lungs.”

📍反义词:anaerobic /ˌænɛəˈrəʊbɪk/表示“无氧的”(Anaerobic exercise is exercise such as weight training that improves your strength but does not raise your heart rate.)


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